April 28, 2009

Do You Believe that You Are Talented?

Posted in communication, Inspirational, Motivation tagged , , , , , , , , , at 1:09 pm by whizwordz

Recently, I was caught in the buzz for the show Britains Got Talent.  First there is Miss Susan Boyle whom I am truely amazed by her singing power.  Who would have expected that a 40 plus years old woman could sing so beautifully.  I am touched by her singing.  And I believe most of us would be too.

Then in Yahoo today…I watched another singing sensation.  She is 10-years old Hollie Steel.  She also appeared in the same show.  She totally impressed the whole audiences and judges.Now the news are battling which of them has a higher chance in winning the show.

In my personal view, both of them are talented in their own way.  And they are already winners in their life.

The point that I wish to say is that all of us is talented in own way.  Some is talented in arts, some in musical, some in maths and science, some in their motor skill, some in human connection, some excel in writing while others in  leadership.  The list goes on and on.

While some of us know where our talents or gifts lie, most of us would just live day to day.  They would never find out who they truely can become.  Whatever you think you are, you would become one.

I always thought that I am not good in communciation.  I do not like to make new friends and I prefer to be alone.   Hence I am poor in my human relationship.  I choose to be a equipment engineer  in the beginning of my career.  Prefer talking and solving machine problem rather than human, I would think.

By a twist of fate and reading many books (one of the books is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino), I find myself entering into sales career.  I take it up as a challenge to myself.  I fall in love with my choice as I found out that human interaction is not bad after all.  No man is an island.  It is a joy to share your happiness and laughter with them.  If you see your friend or client frowning, I would give them a smile.  When they smile back, it makes a big difference to my day.

All of us is talented in one way or another…you just need to take a small step each day to know yourself better.  And lastly, have faith and belief in yourself that you are in this Earth for a purpose.

By the way, I am going to watch the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine soon.  I will keep you update.  Cheers!

April 21, 2009

A Short Trip and Bubba Gump Restaurant

Posted in communication, Inspirational, Motivation tagged , , , , , , at 3:40 pm by whizwordz

Recently, I took a short trip to Malaysia for 3 days.  I spent most of my days and evenings shopping, eating and relaxing by a man-made beach.  Also, I had spent 1 whole afternoon laughing away, competing in some water sports.  The afternoon sun is extremely glaring but my face is beaming.  It has been such a long while since I laughed like a kid again.

We had a wonderful dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant.  Yes, it is a American franchise restaurant set up in KL city.  We did not have a chance to eat in US on my previous trip, so I told myself  that I must give it a try this time.

The whole restaurant ambience is fantastic and the waiters are friendly.  It is like u are just been to a truely US restaurant.  Because it is based on “Forrest Gump” concept, so you can see a lots of collection and quotes reminding you from the movies itself.  Well, who can ever forget Forrest after you have watched the movie.

Upon the restaurant wall, I just happened to see this quotes: “My Mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on”   A simple quote but with deeper meanings in it.

I have known people carrying the burden of their past mistakes, regrets and guilt with them.  To prove that they are still living, they would never unload these burden.  They would rather tied to their past than to move forward towards a better life.  I feel that they are like living zombies feeding on to their past.  They have lost the sight for future.  They are just like a prisoner who has thrown the cell key outside.

I feel that all are just  illusions that we create to trap ourselves.  We should also open the key to unlock from our prison too.  All we need to do is to forgive ourself and others that have hurt us.  This simple act of love for oneself and others is our key to unlock ourselves from the invisible prison that we have created.  It will lessen our burden.  This will make our life journey a lighter and pleasant one.

Hence, are you ready “to put the past behind” and “move on” to a better life?  Well, I am positive of it.  And I am looking forward to my next trip.  Cheers!

April 13, 2009

Honesty is the Best Policy

Posted in communication, Inspirational, Motivation, translation tagged , , , , , , , , at 2:16 pm by whizwordz

I wake early this morning to go for jogging.  A habit that is long forgotten but I pick it again to keep myself fit and healthy.  And perhaps, to jump start my “engine” for a wonderful day ahead!

Usually, I would play a motivation cd in my little “cargo van”  to perk myself up mentally…if the physical exercise did not work on me.  Today, I am listening to Joe Girard.  In case, you are wondering who is Joe Girard.  He is the world’s Greatest Salesman.  During his 15 year selling career, he had sold 13,001 new cars and trucks, and all at retail.  This is a guiness record and is still has not been broken yet.

While listening to the cd, my attention is drawn to him mentioning that “honesty is the best policy”.  I truely agreed with him that when faced with a difficult situation and if we are caught in between, it would be wise that we own up to our fault and tell the truth to our friends and colleagues.

If we betray the trust between both parties, we might not win back that trust again.  This is especially true in our translation work.  If we find out that certain terms are not properly translated, then we need to highlight to the client.  The client will definitely not be pleased to hear about the mistakes.  We will also be reprimand by them.

But at least, we are able to maintain the friendship between both parties.  If we admit to our mistakes with the best intention of resolving the issues, our client will understand it and accept us better.  In a way, we may even solidify the working relationship further.

I truely believe that Honesty is even more important in our everyday’s dealing be it in business, our working place or with our loved ones than ever before.

April 9, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude

Posted in Inspirational, Motivation tagged , , , at 9:34 am by whizwordz

You can have the CHOICE to determine what attitude you want to have toward a thought, a circumstance, you LIFE.

LIFE is all about 10% WHAT happens to us and 90% HOW we respond to it. Attitude is that string that keeps us going or cripples our process.

Many times we focus on the misfortunes in our life, rather that concentrating on what we have at hand and make the best out of it.

The greatest waste of energy = The energy wasted fighting the INEVITABLE!

4 Things to do with POSITIVE ATTITUDE

1) Positive attitudes turns OBSTACLES into OPPORTUNITIES
Q: What is the difference between an Obstacle and an Opportunity?
A: Our Attitude towards it.
“Every opportunity has difficulty; every difficulty has opportunity”

2) Positive attitude is CONTAGIOUS

When one in the team possess a positive attitude, the energy spreads throughout the team. It only takes one to start.

3) Positive attitude doesn’t allow the situation to determine one’s reaction

The more we lament and complain about why we are doing this or why is that happening to us and not others, the more negative energy we accumulate. It will not do us any good nor the people around us. What’s worse is, it WILL NOT improve the situation.

On the other hand, the more we take things graciously and do as we are told, the more we look at it positively and thus take it as a chance to help ourselves to learn and grow. We get the things done and we feel happy.

ABILITY is what we are capable of doing.
MOTIVATION determines what we do.
POSITIVE ATTITUDE determines how well we do.

4) Positive Attitude trusts in all situation

Blame never affirms, it assaults
Blame never restores, it wounds
Blame never solves, it complicates
Blame never unites, it separates
Blame never smiles, it frowns
Blame never forgives, it rejects
Blame never forgets, it remembers
Blame never builds, it destroys

BLAME = Aggressive way of negative energy

SELF-PITY = Passive way of negative energy

When we are facing self-pity, have faith instead and give our problems to the Higher Power.

All things can happen, is because of Faith, is because we have positive attitude. It is because we know that what we do, hence we are always optimistic.

Life is short. It is not worth to be bogged down with unnecessary worries and fears. In all we do and all that that happen to us, there is a reason behind it. We are loved and there are reasons to everything in life we go through.

So, what is your attitude towards your circumstance, your life?


April 8, 2009

Multi-Languages Website Translations

Posted in language, translation tagged , , , , , , at 8:01 am by whizwordz

Dear folks,

Thank you for being supportive of our blog with you comments and readership. Without your comments, it would make us wonder whether anyone ever reads anything on this site at all!!

Back to translation, have you ever had the experience of stumbling upon a word and need a quick translation to be done?

There are a few websites that can do the trick, though not always accurate. But for the one or two word kind of translation, it should not be a problem.

My favourite these days is Google. It is pretty accurate, and there is a possibility of us giving suggestions to the translation if we feel it is not good enough. But if you were to translate sentences, then you will need to find someone who knows that language to proofread it. As it is a direct translation, the structure of the language is messy and the grammer may not be right.

You can have fun with these free online tools, and may even conjure up a letter to your friend in a foreign language. However, the other party may never know what you were trying to say at all!

April 3, 2009

5 Things About Sleep – A Must-Know

Posted in health tagged , at 7:12 am by whizwordz

If you wonder how come you are still so tired even though you had 8 hours of sleep everyday, you may be surprised to learn that it is actually quite normal. It could probably be due to the activities you engage and the food you consume during the day or before bedtime.  Here are some findings which perhaps can help explain your sleepless nights.


5. Get used to being tired, hit the desk

The bottom line is that a good night’s sleep is within the reach of most of us if we follow common-sense guidelines for sleep hygiene:

  Go to bed at the same time nightly.

  Set aside enough time to hit that golden 7 hours of sleep.

  Refrain from caffeine, heavy or spicy foods, and alcohol and other optional medications that might keep you awake, four to six hours before bed-time.

  Have a pre-sleep routine so you wind down before you hop in.

  Block out distracting lights and noises.

  Only engage in sleep and sex in bed (no TV-watching, reading or eating).

  Exercise regularly but not right before bed. But you already know all this and you don’t do it. So your realistic plan might be to surrender to the mid-day desk nap


4. Animals exhibit a range of sleep habits

The three-toed sloth sleeps 9.6 hours nightly. But newborn dolphins and killer whales can forgo sleeping for their entire first month. However, the latter extreme is not recommended for humans. We grow irritable and lose our ability to focus and make decisions after even one night of missed sleep, and that can lead to serious accidents driving and using other machinery.


3. You can sleep like a baby (or Thomas Edison)

Multiple, shorter sleep sessions nightly, rather than one long one, are an option. So-called polyphasic sleep is seen in babies, the elderly and other animals (and Thomas Edison reportedly slept this way). For the rest of us, it is more realistic and healthy to sleep at night as best we can and then take naps as needed. EEGs show that we are biphasic sleepers with two alertness dips – one at night time and one mid-day. So talk to HR about setting up a nap room, like they have for NASA’s Phoenix mission team members.


2. We need less sleep as we age

We’ll die without sleep. The details are sketchy, but research suggests it’s a time when we restore vital biological processes and also sort and cement memories. Last year, the World Health Organization determined that nightshift work, which can lead to sleep troubles, is a probable human carcinogen. On the upside, the latest research suggests we need less of it as we get older.


1. We sleep better than we think we do

For most of us, sleep deprivation is a myth. We’re not zombies. The non-profit National Sleep Foundation (which takes money from the sleep-aid industry, including drug companies that make sleeping pills) says the average U.S. resident gets 7 hours a night and that’s not enough, but a University of Maryland study earlier this year shows we typically get 8 hours and are doing fine. In fact, Americans get just as much sleep nowadays as they did 40 years ago, the study found.


April 1, 2009

Always Will I Seek the Seed of Triumph in Every Adversity

Posted in communication, Inspirational, localisation tagged , , , , , , , , , , at 10:28 am by whizwordz

I must say…reading Og Mandino’s book entitled “The Greatest Salesman in the World Part II The End of the Story” is very addictive.  Again, this books has sold millions copies till date and been translated into several other languages.

In this book, Og featured The Ten Vows of Success.  The subject title belongs to the Fifth Vow.  Og explained each Vow in such simplicity that it is easily understood by the readers.  I truly believe whoever reads it will benefit tremendously from his knowledge.

In this Vow, I have learnt that “Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performance the next time”.  And never will I allow “The fear of adversity leading to failure casts a terrible shadow on all the days of our life”.    This is because “Experience is the most valuable extract of suffering and yet one of the terrible conditions of this life is that its wisdom cannot be transferred to another.”

“I understand, for the first time, how swiftly all deeds and events, good and bad, large and small, pass on and are no more, the works of man as well as the works of nature.”  I can only be stronger through my experience as “All things in life are not only in a constant state of change but they are the cause of constant and infinite change in each other.”

I will take accountability for all bad events that happen to me.  Never will I shift the responsibility to others.  I will become the best that I can be from each learning experience.  Always will I seek the seed of truimph in every adversity.